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Bad Decisions Good Regrets (Social Experiment #2) Page 11

  Make this shit work, bruh. She’s it for you. Always has been. And while I slipped on a condom, leveling my tatted body over her beautifully bare one, I made sure she was looking me dead in the eye when I thrust inside of her tight pussy in one long stroke.


  I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. That was the only way I could validate how amazing it felt to have Theseus inside of me, filling not only my core, but my mind. My soul. My mouth. Because although nothing was in my mouth in the literal sense, his dick had captured my voice and snatched my speech. My moans caught in my throat as he pulled out of me, just to ease back in so painstakingly slow, I couldn’t handle all of the emotions that I was usually able to keep bottled up inside.

  “My Poison Ivy,” he whispered, placing sweet kisses on my damp forehead as he increased his movements. “Everything about you hypnotizes me. Thank you for blessing me with this moment with you.”

  I heard his words and I felt his words. Yet, he had it all wrong, because with a penis like this, the blessing was all mine. I glanced down in between our bodies because I just had to see how he looked thrusting inside of me. And damned if he didn’t look perfect.

  I’d seen so many dicks in my life, an occupational hazard. But this dick, Theseus’s dick, was by far one of the most beautiful penises I’d ever seen in my life. He was thick and long. Skilled in ways I figured he would be, but didn’t hold a candle to experiencing in real life.

  I knew I was tight because it’d been so long since I’d had a man in between my legs. But Theseus was handling me with patience and precision, each stroke striking with purpose. A determination to drive me insane with pleasure as I felt another orgasm approaching way too soon. He must have sensed it, too, because he lifted my leg even higher, my foot touching his headrest as he hit a spot that I couldn’t even place, except that it felt too good and gave him the opportunity to go even deeper.

  “You good, beautiful?” he murmured. “I’m close too, but I won’t get my release until you’re well and satisfied.”

  The orgasm rolled through me with the quickness, catching me off guard since I’d thought I’d had a few more minutes in me. Ohmygod. I was ruined. Forget the experiment. Forget my rules. Theseus Hood had always been my weakness. The man who I constantly wondered about since we’d never actually been a thing, but always should have. And now, I knew why we’d never happened in the past. My past had proved to me that having sex with a regular guy was forgettable. Yet, Theseus Hood was far from regular. My own Greek god of sorts. The guy I’d secretly compared all men to even though it wasn’t fair because I hadn’t known him. At least, not like this. But now that we’d had sex—now that I’d experienced how he felt inside of me—I wasn’t sure I’d ever be the same woman again. He’d branded me whether he meant to or not, and judging by the expression on his face as he succumbed to his own orgasm, he knew exactly what his sexy ass was doing.

  Chapter 12

  “Sometimes, you have to peel back your own layers to truly find yourself.”

  ~ Layla ~


  I walked past my mirror in my bedroom, shaking my head at the big smile I was wearing. I’d been like that a lot lately. Smiling for no reason. Girl, quit lyin’. You know why you’ve been cheesing so hard.

  Theseus and I had been seeing, wait, sexing each other every day for the past three days. And when we say each other, he made I had at least three orgasms before leaving. We hadn’t made it out of either his bedroom or mine, except for going to the movies last night. So tonight, we were going out to dinner, but first, I had a video to record.

  “Okay, so fair warning, today’s video diary will be a little longer than usual.” I took a deep breath, knowing I needed to record this video and get it to Tyler before I lost my nerve. My laptop had been open for at least twenty minutes, but I was just now getting started on actually recording. Opening yourself up to the world was even harder than I’d originally thought, but at the same time, there was something very freeing about it.

  “As you may remember from my last video, I admitted that I’d been single for a while. I mean, I’ve gone on a few dates over the years, but as far as an actual boyfriend, it’s been over seven long years. And I hadn’t had sex for even longer than that.” I smiled. “Until a few days ago.”

  I thought about holding back my squeal, then scratched that idea. If the world was going to judge me, I was going to be as close to myself as possible. “I guess I should back up a little and remind you that I’d decided to embark on a no-strings-attached relationship for my experiment, but as luck would have it, an old friend came back into my life. And the crazy thing is, it was the one man I’d thought about over the years more than I’d cared to admit. You see, I’d always had a crush on this guy. Watched him when I thought no one was looking. Back in high school, he represented everything that my mom had warned me to stay away from. And if you knew my mama, you’d know that meant he was a ladies man. One of the popular guys who every girl wanted to sleep with, myself included.

  “And I’m pretty sure he used to like me, too. Actually, I know he used to like me because he told me so last week. Now, I definitely see the irony of saying I wanted something with no strings attached and a childhood crush is one big, obnoxiously long string. For me, that doesn’t matter, and I’m so glad that he agreed to help me with this because I couldn’t imagine a better man for the job. But I digress.”

  I waved my hands in front of me as if I were talking to a live audience. “I know by now, a few of you are wondering why I decided to throw my eight-date rule out the window — or why I even created it in the first place — and embark on this experiment. But the truth of the matter is, that’s a loaded question, and up until now, I wasn’t ready to answer this question to anyone but myself.”

  I pulled out my phone and scrolled to the email I’d gotten from Tyler with my bonus assignment. If I completed it, I’d earn a few extra dollars. If I didn’t, no harm no foul. Staring at the words he’d written, I realized that it wasn’t about the money. I wanted to do the bonus assignment because I wanted to get the most I could out of this experience.

  “However, as my casting associate for the show reminded me, this experience is about change and not holding back. So here goes my truth.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “A few years ago, I woke up one day and realized I wasn’t happy with myself. Granted, I had an amazing job, great friends, loving parents. But I realized that while I was busy making sure all the other façades of my life were in order, I’d ignored one of the most important parts of all … love. Before this experiment, I hadn’t acknowledged that although I’d had the best intentions for myself when I’d decided back in high school that a guy needed to take me on eight dates before we even thought about getting intimate, I realized that my rules, in a way, held me back.

  “Yeah, they kept me grounded in the beliefs that my parents raised me with, but they also stopped me from experiencing some of the things my friends had. Because, for me, it wasn’t just the rules. It was the idea of showing a man all of me, baring my soul, giving him a power over me that others didn’t have and loving him with my all, only to have him not return that love. I wanted guarantees, not understanding that some of the best things in life aren’t guaranteed.”

  I took a sip of my water, before telling them, “Sometimes, I still feel guilty for having parents who are happily married and grandparents who still kiss every morning. Yet here I am, closed off to certain feelings with no reasonable explanation except that it’s just the way I am. No sad love story. No heartbreaking moment. No man who ripped my heart into two. But this is my journey. Yours may be different. Maybe you don’t know what’s holding you back yet. Maybe you’re afraid to take a chance on a new career, or like me, you’re afraid to take a chance at love. I’m not saying that this experiment and the man helping me complete it will turn into anything serious, but I do know that I’m a better woman having done this. Having gotten closer to him, I’ve learned so much
about myself. Things that I thought I knew, but realized I hadn’t known at all. I let myself off the hook by realizing that making mistakes, even in love, is a part of life. If I fall for a man who doesn’t love me back, that’s okay. In the past, I dated men who I knew were wrong for me in fear that if the right one came along, my heart would be all in while his wouldn’t. But now I see what I should have realized all along. As long as I love myself, that’s what matters, and any man who truly wants me will take the time to peel back my layers and love me unconditionally.”

  I continued speaking my truth, making sure I reflected on a few things I’d only touched on in previous videos. After almost ten minutes, I decided to conclude my video with some parting words of encouragement and advice.

  “It takes courage to acknowledge one of your biggest fears, and it takes even more bravery to conquer that fear head on. Be strong in your convictions, but don’t let your reservations hold you back, because we don’t get a second chance at life. Some people barely get a first chance. So live it … truly live it. And take full advantage of the fact that we control the power to impact our destiny.”

  Looking into my laptop’s camera, I gave my signature smile as I signed off by saying, “That’s it for tonight. I’m Ivy, and as always, thank you for being a part of my journey.”

  I leaned back in my desk chair, feeling more accomplished than I had in a long time. By far, the video I’d just recorded was more honest than the previous ones. I was sure Tyler would want me to share some of the intimate details about Theseus and I, but that could wait for another video. Tonight, this would do.

  At the sound of some whispering outside of my door, I opened it to find Layla, Jade, and Treasure all crunched together, eavesdropping.

  “Seriously, y’all? What are you still doing here?” I asked. “I thought you both left yesterday.”

  Jade’s eyes widened. “We may or may not have let Layla talk us into changing our flights to leave tonight instead so that we could get wined and dined last night.”

  My eyes immediately went to Layla. “What,” Layla said innocently. “I can’t help it if sugar daddy #2 wanted to pamper my friends and I last night when we accompanied him to a business function.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why am I not surprised.” Since I’d arrived to Chicago, I’d learned that Layla had more sugar daddies than I could count. And even though she swore she didn’t have sex with them — and I believed her because Layla didn’t lie … much — homegirl was still out here wildin’.

  Still, it didn’t stop me from asking the obvious question. “Were you ladies listening to me record my video?”

  Treasure was the first one to at least look a little guilty. “In my defense, Layla and Jade were here first, but I felt left out, so I came to listen, too. From what I heard, I’m so proud of you.”

  “Me too,” Layla added. “Plus, my experiment is going to last a bit longer than two weeks and I’m not inspired, so listening to you helped me.”

  I studied Layla, sensing her struggle because my girl never had worry lines at the corners of her eyes, but they were very present right now. “You okay?”

  She shrugged. “I will be. But a better question is, how have things been going with Theseus? We’ve barely seen you since the club.”

  “Sorry,” I told them. “I didn’t know it would be this way when we hooked up. I’ve only had time to work and see him. And I’ve been a bad friend since I haven’t been able to hang out.”

  “Don’t apologize to us,” Treasure disclaimed. “Jade and I can catch up with you another time. We already told you that morning after the club not to worry about us.”

  “Still waiting on the details by the way,” Layla interjected. “It’s a damn shame you made us wait this long. Couldn’t even corner your happy-go-lucky ass long enough the other day to give us a highlight version. So spill, sis. How are things with you and Theseus?”

  “And don’t hold back,” Jade warned. “We want the R-rated version. I didn’t fly from New York for some PG bullshit.”

  I shook my head and ushered them into my room—because, let’s face it, I was dying to tell my girls the story.

  “Okay, so the other night really started when we were on the dance floor and I whispered to Theseus that I was ready for him to take me home and wanted no less than three orgasms guaranteed.”

  Treasure gasped, while Layla and Jade high-fived me at the same time. I told them the rest of the story, leaving out a few details that I wanted to keep between Theseus and me. By the time I finished, Jade and Treasure only had an hour left to hang out with us before they had to head to the airport.

  Layla dropped them off, leaving me to watch my recent video clip a couple times before I emailed it to Tyler and then hopped in the shower to get ready for my date tonight. However, when I got out of the shower and checked my phone, I got his message that he was finishing up a tattoo for Deacon in the back of the shop and was running a couple hours late.

  “Damn.” I sat on the bed, wrapped in one of my pink, terry cloth towels, already feeling a little defeated that I had to wait to see him. Well, then do something about it, chick! When Layla got back from the airport, she was going to a party tonight, so the way I saw it, I could either sit around and wait for Theseus to get here, or I could grab a couple pizzas since I was sure he and Deacon didn’t eat, meet him at the shop, and give my temporary man the type of miss-you kiss I’d been dying to give him all day.

  The answer was simple. Getting dressed, I made sure I put on the tightest jeans and tee I had, and just because I was still feeling like a daredevil, I stuck the fruity treats Jade had given me into my purse before taking off.


  I should be balls deep in my girl’s pussy right now. Don’t get me wrong, I loved tattooing. But I loved pussy more. Particularly, the sweetness that belonged to Ivy Ashwood.

  “Yo, Deac, you think you might get traded?” Ares asked, walking into our back studio and handing Eros a Corona.

  “I don’t even know, man. This hasn’t been my best season, but I’m trying to just focus on my own game and not worry about all these fans and the media tryin’ to make it seem like the team got worse when I was traded to the team.”

  Ares shook his head. “Hell nah, bruh. The football team ain’t been on shit for years. Chicago just tryin’ to find someone to blame.”

  “He’s right,” Eros told him. “Keep your head up.”

  Deacon was one of my closest friends, and he hadn’t had an easy time since he’d been traded to Chicago. I was glad we were able to kick it because he’d been playing professional football since he left Detroit right after high school. Problem was, shooting the shit with the fellas wasn’t gonna take my mind off Ivy’s sexy ass. I wasn’t the type of dude to be late for a date. If I thought I would be running late, I would cancel first. However, I was on borrowed time when it came to Ivy, and I wanted to see her tonight.

  The guys were so loud, I almost didn’t hear the knocking. “Yo, is someone at the front door?”

  Ares glanced down the hallway. “I’ll check it out.”

  I kept on tattooing the praying hands with the rosary wrapped around it that Deacon was getting on behalf of his grandfather who’d just passed away when I heard her voice.

  “I thought y’all could use some pizza.” Ivy walked into the back studio with a couple pizzas in her hand and a smile on her face.

  “Ivy …” I stopped what I was doing and just stared at her as she removed her bomber jacket and scarf, revealing some skin-tight jeans and a tight, royal-blue top.

  “You’re a lifesaver,” Eros said, grabbing a couple slices of pizza as soon as Ivy placed the boxes on the table. “Ares’s ass brought a twelve pack of beer and some barbecue chips. As if we didn’t need any substantial food.”

  Ares smacked his lips. “Would you get yo’ I-need-to-eat-all-the-important-food-groups ass out of here with that shit. I thought we were just sliding through to kick it with Deac while he
got tatted up. Didn’t know I had to bring refreshments.”

  “That’s your problem, nigga. You never think.”

  As Eros and Ares went at it, my eyes stayed on Ivy while she laughed at my brothers bickering.

  “Mind if we take a break?” Deac asked.

  I put down my tattoo gun. “Yeah, that’s cool.” I didn’t care what his ass did. There was only one ass that had my attention right now and she knew it judging by the way she was looking me up and down as if I was wearing something sexier than a white T-shirt and black, Nike jogging pants.

  She walked toward me, but as soon as I went to stand up from the stool I was sitting on to hug her, she pushed me back down, straddled me, and placed her lips on mine, the move catching me completely off guard.

  Oh shit. Yeah, Ivy had been a lot bolder now that we were messin’ around, but I hadn’t expected her to kiss me like this with the guys around. But her body language was saying she didn’t give a damn who was in the room, and if she didn’t, I didn’t either.

  She tastes amazing. I could taste the mint from her toothpaste. The sweetness of her lip gloss. It took my body a minute to come down from its initial shock, but when it did, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me and kissing her like I couldn’t get enough of her lips. Because, truth was, I couldn’t. Man … I didn’t know how many times I had to remind myself while we were spending time together, that I needed to be honest with her and tell her this shit wasn’t temporary for me. I was all in, and deep down, I knew she felt the same way.