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Red Velvet Kisses Page 12

  “That was really responsible of the three of you,” she said, lowering her hands to her lap. “If they didn’t know exactly what you were doing, what strained your relationship?”

  His jaw twitched at the memory and he turned to stare out the foggy front window again. “My dad got into an altercation with the dealer I was helping when he saw him unnecessarily rough up another man pretty bad. I happened to be with my dad and told him to stay out of it, but my dad wanted to make sure the guy was okay. When the dealer confronted him, I was able to clear up the confusion and get him to step off my dad. But my dad wasn’t stupid. He asked me about my relationship with the guy, so I fessed up, tired of hiding the truth.”

  Lex reached between them and lightly placed her hand on his. The gesture made him return his focus on her. “My mom and my brothers were disappointed in me, but when I told them I was changing my ways, they began to forgive me. My dad, on the other hand, was a different story. My uncle Barry, who lived in Cranberry Heights, found out the town was in need of a community director and contacted my dad. He interviewed right away and got the job. We all uprooted to Cranberry Heights, and the town was so impressed with my dad that within years, the townspeople suggested that he run for mayor.”

  “I had no idea your dad was mayor,” she said with surprise.

  “He was until a few years ago,” Micah stated. “He fell into the position years ago after my uncle, who was mayor at the time, was killed in a car accident. My dad was chosen as the interim mayor and the position became permanent. When my parents decided to open up a B and B in town, they devoted all their focus on that, and my dad decided not to run for mayor anymore.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle.”

  “Thanks,” he said. “It was hard at the time, but that was a long time ago.”

  She searched his eyes with curiosity before asking the question he knew was coming. “So, why is your relationship with your dad still strained?”

  Micah shook his head at the thought. “When we moved, I still maintained contact with a few friends that I’ve had over the years. They weren’t all dealers, but some of them weren’t good people either. My closest friend at the time was the worst, and my dad warned me to stay away from him. He had thought that moving from Little Rock and me getting accepted into Fisk University in Tennessee would finally allow me to shake off those bad relationships. But instead, I convinced myself that my dad had forgotten where he came from, and I wasn’t going to be that person.”

  He briefly paused as he continued to reminisce about his past. “While that friend was visiting me in college, something serious happened that caused me to eventually transfer out of the school. I later found out that him and his boys were reckless everywhere they went. That’s when I realized that it wasn’t enough to just be a good person. You had to surround yourself by good people and I had been hanging around all the wrong people.”

  Her eyes crooked in inquiry. “Is that when you were arrested?”

  “The one and only time,” he replied, still irritated with himself. “The case was dropped based on false accusations, but the damage to my relationship with my dad was done. Our relationship has been tense ever since.”

  “What happened to get you arrested?”

  Micah stretched in his seat. “Let’s save that for another conversation,” he said, brushing his hand against her chin. “Just know that I’m a different man than I once was.” And I desperately need you to believe me. She glanced out the window before glancing at him. The expression on her face was unreadable.

  * * *

  Lex watched a range of emotions cross Micah’s face while he talked about his past. From the short time she’d spent with his family, she really enjoyed being around them. And in a way, hearing Micah recap his past only made her respect his family more.

  “Can I ask one last question and then we can change the subject?” she asked.

  “Shoot,” he said confidently, although she read the hesitation in his eyes.

  “How did you become a police officer?”

  “After I transferred schools, I finally understood my purpose. I’d grown out of the thuggish days and decided to pursue a career helping others...mainly young men. I wanted a fresh start and I figured going to school in the Midwest would be a nice change. I double majored in Criminal Justice and Computer Science and graduated from Michigan State University in three years by taking classes every summer. The week before graduation, I was encouraging students to go to college at my old high school and was approached by the Little Rock chief of police about enlisting in the police academy. I thought it was a great way to make a difference in my old neighborhood, so I took a shot at it.”

  “That’s so great,” she said.

  “It was,” he agreed. “I was one of the best cops at my station and things were going great, until I realized there were more dirty cops than good cops in my unit so I put in a request to transfer. Malik and Shawn both knew each other from their FBI days, so when Shawn heard about my dilemma, he told me about his dream to open his own security company. I knew it was the break I’d been waiting for so I quit my job and teamed up with Shawn.”

  As she sat there, completely indulged in Micah’s story, she realized that it wasn’t just his story that intrigued her. It was him as a man. The way he thought. The goals he had. The way he made her feel. If she wasn’t careful, she would fall head over heels in love with him. She no longer knew if falling for him was a bad or a good thing, but what she did know was that being vulnerable to a man made her nervous.

  Worry lines were visible on his forehead and she realized that he was waiting to hear her response to his story. Usually, his eyes would roam over her lips and her body, but this evening, he was different. His eyes remained on hers, waiting for acceptance and understanding.

  “You certainly have many layers, Micah Madden,” she said softly as she turned in her seat so that her back was now pressed against the door. “You’re a great man. Your story is part of what made you who you are, and just as you told me, your experiences have made you stronger not weaker. I admire your determination to help young men figure out that they have options.”

  “The world is theirs to conquer,” he added, giving her a smile of relief for the first time since they’d arrived in his old neighborhood.

  He’s so cute. Looking at her with gleeful eyes, he looked every bit of sixteen sitting across from her, rather than the thirty-year-old man that he was. He glanced at the clock before turning the heat back up.

  “Are you ready for dinner?”

  “Let’s go,” she stated, turning back around and buckling her seat belt. “Thanks for bringing me here and sharing your story,” she said once they’d started driving.

  He flashed her a million-dollar grin. “Thank you for listening to my story with an open mind.”

  * * *

  The conversation with the wives of the investors had been entertaining. Halfway through dinner, Micah had winked at her, a sign they had agreed he would give if the dinner meeting was going well. By the time they all said their goodbyes, there was talk about finalizing a contract, and a promise that Micah would bring Lex along for the next dinner. Grant and Parker were a huge account and she was so proud of Micah for representing his company so well. They made a good team, and tonight they’d put on a performance better than most seasoned couples.

  “This was so much fun,” she said to Micah as she removed her peacoat, keeping her eyes straight ahead on the road as they headed back to Cranberry Heights. He’d removed his coat thirty minutes ago and ever since he did, all she could think about was running her hands up and down his hazelnut abs. She squeezed her legs closer together. Lex Turner! You know better! You can control your emotions. Her encouraging thoughts weren’t helping. Her panties were drenched...a situation she had never been in before.

  “I’m g
lad you had a good time,” he said, his eyes leaving the road to glimpse at her. She told herself not to glance back at him, but she couldn’t help it. She turned her head to look at him and quickly turned back to the road before she reached his eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that she’d be even more uncomfortable during the car ride if she looked at his face. His sexy face...masculine jawline...neatly groomed goatee...sop them up with biscuit lips. She shook her head to clear her mind. Look at the road, Lex. Straight ahead. Into the dark. Not Micah’s creamy hazelnut complexion. Her head slowly turned toward Micah again. No, wrong way. Look outside, she reminded herself, causing her to whip her head back forward.

  “I got you,” she said aloud, frustrated that her mind and body weren’t listening to each other.

  “Are you okay,” he asked glancing from her to the road.

  “Yup,” she answered quickly, remaining in her same position.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure am.”

  “Absolutely positive?” he asked.


  They passed a large sign stating they were close to Cranberry Heights, followed by a highway sign with restaurants and gas stations on it. “Mind if I make a stop?” he questioned.

  “Go right ahead.”

  “Do you want some dessert?”

  “Sure. Why not.” Now who’s asking all the questions!

  “What are you in a mood for?”

  “You,” she said breathlessly as she dropped her head to her hands, tired of answering all his questions. “Just you.” She finally looked over at him, not caring that her desire was on display. He searched her eyes, remaining silent for a moment.

  “I thought so,” he finally said with a smirk, turning back to the road. Of course he knew. It seemed lately, he knew how she felt before she even knew how she felt.

  “Well, now you know,” she voiced in irritation, leaning her head on the seat. She was more aggravated by her lack of self-control than his accurate assessment of her yearnings.

  “Then I guess we better fix that,” he stated, yanking the car over a lane and hopping off at the next exit.

  “That sign said there were a least a couple more stops until we got to our exit.”

  “I know,” he said, driving like a bat out of hell. He turned off the main road onto a narrow gravel road with meadows on either side that rose taller than the car.

  “If this is the time when you confess that you’re really a serial killer, I only ask that you kill me quickly.” Because of the bumpy road, she had a tight grip on one of the door rests while her other hand gripped her seat.

  “I’m not a serial killer, but I should tell you now that I can’t be held responsible for my actions,” he responded, looking in her direction for the first time since he jumped off the expressway. “Because the wicked things I want to do to you are definitely illegal.”

  Good. God. Almighty. His stimulating words kissed every part of her sensual body. She threw back her head, thinking the best thing to do in this situation was pray to the goddess of love. Closing her eyes and clasping her hands together, she prayed.

  “Dear lover goddess, please endorse the sins I am about to partake in. I know not what is right, for all I want to do is wrong,” she reached her hands in the air before bringing them back together. “For tonight, I ask that you give me the stamina to sustain all that I can, the courage to let all my inhibitions go, and the ability to twist my body in ways inhumanly possible. For tonight, I allow myself to go to a place I’ve never gone before,” she peeked one eye open to find that the car had stopped in front of an old house. “Amen.”

  “Amen,” Micah said in a raspy voice. “I don’t know whether I should be on high alert because you just said a prayer before we make love or if I should say a prayer, too, because listening to you made me feel dirty.”

  In one swift move, he lifted her off the seat and onto his lap. “Truthfully, the only thing your love request made me want to do is get you naked as soon as possible and have my way with you.”

  In that moment, she realized she’d been waiting her entire life for a man to make her feel this way...for a man to truly get her. She felt special. Desired. Appreciated. “Then what are you waiting for.”

  Chapter 14

  Micah couldn’t move fast enough. He opened the door and stepped out with Lex in his arms. He didn’t place her on her feet until he got to the porch to open the front door. He knew he had to act fast and turn on the lights before she got spooked. After all, they were in the middle of nowhere.

  He found the light switch and flipped on the living room light. He rushed over to two heaters and put them on, then turned on a lamp so he could cut the main lights back off. He wanted the lighting to be as intimate as possible.

  “Does anyone live here?” she asked as he pulled down the Murphy bed and pulled covers and sheets from the closet.

  “Not yet,” he said as he tried his best to place the covers on the bed. “The owners moved out nine months ago and I bought the place.”

  Her eyes grew bigger. “You plan on moving back to Arkansas?”

  “No,” he said, laughing at her expression. “I plan on fixing it up and renting her out. I own a property in Little Rock, too, that I would have showed you if we had time.”

  “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you,” she said coming from behind him and wrapping her arms around his back while he made the bed. It was finally warming up in the room. Either that, or he was getting heated from her touch.

  Her arms wrapped around him felt so right. She felt right. Even in this unfurnished house, they felt right. Micah turned around to face her. He never would have thought the woman looking at him now was the same woman who’d walked into the lingerie shop several months ago. The woman he’d met that day had been innocent, cute, endearing and a little bit clumsy. And even then, he’d been intrigued by her. But the woman staring back at him tonight was an entirely different one. Tonight, she was confident, captivating and downright sexy.

  She bit her bottom lip before slipping her tongue in and out of her mouth. When her tongue slid back out of her mouth, he crushed his lips to hers. Her sweet moans filled the air around them and encouraged him to take the kiss deeper, exploring her mouth from one side to the other.

  She stopped kissing him to remove her boots. He imitated her actions and removed his, too. Deciding to waste no more time, he pulled her sweater over her head, eagerly tugging down her leggings, as well. Her hands flew to his button-up, gently undoing the first couple buttons before standing on her tiptoes to yank the shirt over his head. When her hands moved to his pants, he stopped her and removed them himself.

  “If your hands go anywhere near that area, this will be over before it starts,” he huffed in a rushed breath. His voice sounded strained even to his own ears. A clear sign that he had to have her tonight. Right now.

  He took a moment to stand back and observe her lacy bra and panty set. Although he’d seen her naked last night and this morning, this was the first time she allowed him the benefit to look as he pleased. He briefly studied her face to make sure his blatant appraisal of her wasn’t making her nervous. He was satisfied that her eyes mirrored the lust reflected in his own. “You’re absolutely breathtaking,” he told her, vocalizing the words floating around in his mind.

  From day one, he’d known he wanted her even if she hadn’t wanted to acknowledge the fact. Now, her look solidified her acceptance of the intimate step they were taking in their relationship.

  With two snaps of his fingers, her bra fell to the floor, followed by her panties. He lifted her from the floor and gently placed her in the middle of the bed, before standing straight to remove his boxers. Her eyes burned a hole in him as she watched in anticipation, her breasts rising and falling steadily. When he popped free of the confining cotton, her stunned ga
sp filled the room.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said in a seductive, tone. Beautiful? He wasn’t sure if a woman had ever called him beautiful before. And even if a woman had called him that, he was sure they never looked as sexy as Lex did stretched out naked awaiting his arrival.

  Slowly, Micah eased himself onto the bed, bringing his lips to her face as he did. In gradual, circular movements, his tongue traveled across her neck, branding her caramel skin in a way he knew no man had ever done before. When he hit a tender part of her neck, her body lifted off the bed in response to the pleasure.

  “Told you I’d have you spread-eagle style on my bed,” he whispered in her ear.

  “You’re so cocky.”

  “And you like that about me,” he said, rewarded by her passionate smile.

  “Please don’t make me wait, Micah,” she begged.

  Not one to be told twice, he reached down on the side of the bed and pulled a condom out of his wallet. After protecting them both, he hovered over her and resumed the journey his lips had started moments prior.

  When both their moans increased to a level of pure euphoria, he joined them in the most intimate way possible in one provocative thrust.

  “Ah,” he groaned in satisfaction, already warning himself to hold on for as long as he could. She was wet. Tight. Slick. His mouth was already well acquainted with her taste, and now his cock was getting familiar with her inner walls.

  He threw his head to the ceiling as he rhythmically pumped in and out of her. She placed her hands on his butt cheeks, sucking him in even deeper as she met him thrust for thrust.

  “What are you doing to me,” she said breathlessly. Earlier that morning he’d heard her say those same words to herself when she hadn’t known he was in the bathroom. Now, hearing her say them for him to hear caused him to swell even more inside her.

  “Oh, my...” she screamed, evidently feeling him getting bigger...thicker. “I’m close, Micah. Real close...”

  “Me, too,” he said, concluding that sex with Lex was different than any women he’d ever had intercourse with. That fact made him increase his pumps, needing to relieve them both of the tension building in their bodies.