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Bad Decisions Good Regrets (Social Experiment #2) Page 14

It surprised me how relieved I felt when she said that. “Why did you walk in here squealing?”

  She smiled. “I just found out I made the Hip Hop Beauties dance team. I’ve wanted to be on this team since I was a little girl.”

  “That’s great. Congratulations.” Her smile was infectious and I found myself smiling right along with her. “They danced today at halftime for the homecoming game. I’m on the football team.”

  “You mean, you’re one of the best players on the team,” she said with a laugh. “And I know. I literally can’t wait to learn the dances.”

  So, she does know me. “Based off how you asked me about my brother, I assumed you didn’t know who I was.”

  She blushed and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. “I know of you. I mean, I’ve heard you name before. Ares talks about you a lot.” She let out a frustrated breath. “Okay, yeah. I know who you are. I just didn’t know how to start a conversation. To be honest, I’m surprised you’re even talking to me right now.”

  “Why wouldn’t I talk to you?” I asked.

  She started giggling, and I got the feeling she was more nervous than before. “I’m just sayin’. You know what I mean.”

  I turned in my desk chair so that I could get closer to her to make sure she heard me when I told her, “The only reason I don’t know what you mean is because I’ve been trying to get to know you since I saw you walk down the hallway the first day of school.”

  Her mouth parted. “Really?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but you’re always surrounded by your girls and I’m involved in a lot of school shit.”

  She squinted. “You’re different than I’d thought you’d be?”

  Laughing, I asked, “Is that a compliment?”

  “It is.” Her smile filled her face, hinting that she was being a little bit playful, little bit serious.

  “You got jokes, huh?”

  She shrugged and glanced at the drawing pad on my desk. “What are you working on?”

  “A business plan I guess.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? You’re only like sixteen or seventeen, but you’re working on a business plan already? I’m impressed.”

  I grinned, pride feeling my chest at her words. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  She turned her attention back to the pad. “Can I see anything?”

  Can she? I hadn’t shared my top goal with too many people because what I wanted to do wasn’t a regular job like the ones we learned about in school or at career fairs. Still, I found myself answering, “Sure, I can show you the visual for the shop I want to open. It’s a pretty rough drawing though.”

  “Oh my gosh,” she exclaimed, sliding the drawing pad closer to her. “It’s beautiful. Is it a tattoo shop? That’s what it looks like?”

  “It is,” I confirmed, surprised she’d been able to guess that. “I’ve always been into tattoos. Waiting for my pops to take me to get my first one soon.”

  She looked back at me, a smirk on her face. “I have a feeling you’ll be pretty great at running your own tattoo shop.”

  My mouth dropped a little. “Most people wouldn’t understand why I wouldn’t just become a designer for some corporation instead.”

  “Well, most people don’t know how to think outside the box. I’ll probably end up at some big corporate job, but if I can help it, I’d love to work someplace fun and different.”

  She pursed her mouth when she spoke, making my eyes drop to her lips. Lips I was dying to kiss, but couldn't since she barely knew me. “You can do anything you want to do in life, Ivy. Never forget that.”

  When my eyes made it back to hers, the gleam I saw in them gave me hope. Hope that she would let me kiss her if I made a move. Or at least, she’d go out with me if I asked. However, instead of kissing her or asking her out, I found myself more content to just sit there and watch her, taking in the rise and fall of her chest as she watched me, too. Waiting. Observing. Both of us unsure of what was transpiring between us, but knowing it was something worth taking notice of.

  Unfortunately, the door opened, interrupting the moment. “Um, hello, Ivy! I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

  Ivy broke our gaze first. “Layla, my bad. I got distracted.”

  I glanced at the door in time to catch her girl looking me up and down. “I can see why. You know what, I don’t need you for anything. We’ll catch up before the dance tonight.”

  “No, it’s cool. I was about to go anyway.” She stood from the desk and glanced at me. “It was nice chatting with you, Theseus.”

  “Nice talking to you, too, Ivy.” I didn’t bother hiding the fact that I was watching her walk away. I was sure her friend would tell her anyway that my eyes had been solely on her. Her hips. Her butt. The overall positive aura that seemed to surround her.

  “Until we meet again,” I voiced, after she was already gone. Little did I know, I’d say those words to myself every time she walked away.

  Present …

  Ivy’s eyes were laced with unshed tears after I finished my recollection of our first time meeting. “I … I never knew you’d felt that strongly about me after we first met.”

  I shrugged. “You’re the only one, baby. Everyone knew I had it bad for you. I remember my dad asking me once if I believed in love at first sight, and no matter how badly I wanted to tell him that shit was corny as hell, I knew it was true because I’d experienced it with you.”

  She leaned her forehead against mine, giving me the opportunity to breathe in her sweet perfume scent. “I can’t believe how long it took us to get here.” Her voice was full of emotion that tugged at my heartstrings.

  “It only matters that we did get here.”

  We stayed like that for a few more minutes before Ivy said, “Okay, the camera has been rolling, so we need to get down to business.”

  “If you say so,” I declared with a nervous laugh.

  “Don’t let the camera throw you off,” she told me. “Imagine it’s me and you without the camera. It’s just a prop. You and I are the only things that matter.” To prove her point, she stood and removed her skirt and top, then made slow, sexy work of her bra and panties until she was standing in front of me in nothing but her heels.

  Fuck me. “Who are you and what have you done with my good girl?”

  “Ivy Ashwood has left the building,” she murmured, pushing me down on the bed. “But Poison Ivy is ready to make this magic happen.” I didn’t notice she’d pulled out and unwrapped a Fruit Roll-Up until she’d already unzipped my jeans and pulled out my dick.

  Oh shit. She was right. The camera didn’t matter because the only thing that existed right now was me, Ivy, and her wicked little mouth.

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  Single AF


  The pure term ‘being single’ makes me want to gag every time I hear it. To me, the worst part is the fact that you’re constantly reminded of your status. Like, do you really think I can forget I’m single? I’ve dated more Mr. Wrong’s than I can count, and now, the network that I work for wants me to share my messed up dating history with the world. To make matters more humiliating, my arch nemesis — aka Mr. Missed Opportunity — has a front row seat to my walking, talking mistakes.


  To say working with Meeka on this assignment is bound to go badly, would be an understatement. We’ve never gotten along, and I have a good reason for staying clear. Everything about her screams … extra! So, of course when our network needs me to assist her with her project, I’m intrigued to hear what her exes have to say about their past relationship. Maybe I’ll get some insight into her character or valid
ate my assumptions. Or unbeknownst to me, I might just find myself connecting with this loud, crazy woman more than I ever thought I would. They say don’t mix business with pleasure. Funny, I never liked that rule.

  Excerpt: Single AF

  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket because you might trip and fall.

  ~ Madame Social ~


  “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this dick inside me tonight.”

  I rounded off my little ratchet rhyme for the night with a kiss up to the sky because I needed all of the prayers I could get since I was finally ending my year long drought tonight.

  It was a damn shame that I hadn’t been with a man in twelve months. One long, excruciating year in which Mr. Big, my vibrator, got too much attention. True, Mr. Big had helped me through some really lonely months. Like the time my manager Tabitha, aka Dragon Breath, had me working obscene hours because of a mistake she made. Or the time I went to a friend’s wedding and realized almost every friend we had from college had gotten married, was in a serious relationship, or had kids.

  I’d never aspired to be somebody’s baby mama, but at this point in my life, I’d take what I could get. And buddy may be just what I need.

  “Meeka, what’s taking you so long? This dick ain’t gonna fuck itself.”

  “I’ll be right there,” I yelled, moving away from the bathroom window to the mirror to give myself a once over in my black lace lingerie set.

  Squats got you looking right Meeka, I thought to myself. For the past few years, I’d started working out and eating clean, working extremely hard on getting my body right. Especially since I’d learned I had an underactive thyroid. There was nothing like a health issue to make my ass go from eating pizza and burgers every day to salads and protein shakes.

  However, even though my body may have undergone some changes, my dating life remained to be the same ole’ sad love song that was playing on repeat for the past decade. That is, until I’d met Reggie.

  Reggie Miller worked for an investment firm in Chicago, and we’d been dating for a month now. Ya girl had gone and got her a man in a suit, even though I’d never cared for the suit-wearing type.

  I’d noticed Reggie looking my way months ago on the train—we both took the same route to work. However, I’d been slightly closed off and not my normally flirty self since I wasn’t in the mood for a pity fuck like the last dude I’d messed with. I was better than that. Deserved more than that. And tonight, after Reggie had been traveling and I’d been busy with work, I was finally gonna give him some.

  Stepping out of his master bathroom, I took a deep breath as I sauntered into his bedroom. “You ready for me?” I asked, stopping in front of his bed in my best bad bitch pose. He was only wearing his boxers, and by the look of it, he was more than ready.

  “You already know it,” he drawled, licking his lips in the process. Reggie was fine as hell with his washboard abs and smooth caramel complexion. It was taking all of my energy to try and maintain my sexy composure because my crazy ass was known for fucking up an intimate moment. “Bring that sexy ass over here.”

  I walked over, switching my hips, making sure he got a good eye full of everything I had to offer. “I know you’ve been waiting for me.” I straddled him, making sure I was positioned right over his hardness.

  “Since the first day I saw you.” His eyes were hungry. His voice deep. “You betta not make me wait much longer.” He cupped both of my breasts, kneading my nipples through the lace fabric. Slowly, I began to move my hips, enjoying the way he grew harder in between my thighs.

  “Damn, you sexy as hell,” he groaned.

  Unable to help myself, I leaned down and kissed him, his hands moving to my ass as I increased the movements of my hips. My rhythm got sloppy when I felt his hand slide between our bodies, getting closer to the spot that was craving to be touched and fondled.

  Almost there. I grinded my hips more, encouraging his hands to move faster. He listened, but just when he was mere centimeters away, the sound of keys jiggling in his front door distracted me.

  “Are you expecting someone?” I managed to squeak out.

  Hazy, lust-filled eyes looked back at me. “What are you talking about?”

  On cue, a voice filled the hallway. “Babe, are you here? I waited for you at the restaurant, but you never showed.”

  Babe? My eyes widened at the same time he said, “Oh, shit,” before flying out of the bed, nearly knocking me to the floor in the process. He rushed over to the door and locked it.

  “You gotta get the fuck out,” he whispered. “My wife is home.”

  I froze. “Your wife? You’re married?”

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “And if she catches your ass in here, we’re both dead.”

  “You’re married!” I shrieked. “You told me you were single.”

  He glanced at the door, panic in his eyes. “Calm the fuck down. I never told you I was single. I just didn’t mention I was married.”

  “Same difference,” I whisper-yelled. “I’m not a homewrecker, but clearly, you’re a lying, cheating ass dog who didn’t have the decency to be upfront with me and tell me you were married. I should unlock the door and tell your wife the truth.” The loud knock on the closed door halted my words.

  “Is there a bitch in there with you, Reggie?” she yelled. “How many times have I told yo’ cheatin’ ass that you betta not bring these bitches back to our home? I’m about to get Belinda.”

  My eyes widened. “Who’s Belinda? She brought a friend with her to jump me?”

  “Belinda’s not a friend,” he said, gathering the clothes I’d left in the bathroom. “Belinda is her pistol.”

  “There is a woman in there,” his wife shouted. “I can hear her damn voice. She talks like a fucking hyena, but Belinda can shut her up real quick.”

  What? I’m offended. Granted, I didn’t have a sexy, sultry voice. But I always thought I sounded more like a kitten with a soft purr, not a high-pitched laughing hyena. “I don’t sound like a damn hyena,” I barked back. “You’re the one sounding like a damn bear wit’ yo’ baritone, man-sounding ass.”

  “Bitch, you got some nerve. Don’t matter because you got one coming.” His wife started kicking at the door, and to my surprise, I heard the slight crack in wood.

  Grabbing my arm, Reggie pulled me toward the window. “Go out the fire escape and head down two levels to the third floor. You can’t get to the bottom anyway, because the last level stairs are propped up.”

  “What?” I asked, the cool, early March breeze drifting across my skin.

  “Here’s your shit.” He thrust my clothes and boots into my hand. “When you get to the third floor, knock seven times on the window to your left and my guy will let you in.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” At my words, the door cracked even more as his wife continued to kick it in. Clearly, this isn’t Reggie’s first rodeo. I mentally slapped my forehead. “You got me fucked up! It’s cold as hell outside and I didn’t do anything wrong. You’re the one who didn’t tell me you were married.”

  “You ain’t the first one he’s lied to, bitch,” his wife huffed from the other side of the door. “But you about to be the last because I’m about to fuck you both up.”

  Reggie motioned for me to step out onto the fire escape platform. “If you want to live, you’ll do what I told you.”

  I rolled my eyes, throwing on my boots as quickly as possible before stepping outside. I’d just managed to get my blouse over my head when the door was finally kicked in.

  “Ah, hell nah,” his wife yelled. “You got you a little light-skinned bitch in here? She doesn’t even look like she can take a punch.”

  Reggie walked toward his wife. “Baby, it’s not what it looks like.”

  “Bullshit,” she countered, aiming her pistol at him. “Tell me you did not fuck this bitch and maybe I’ll let you live.”

  He didn’t
even get the words out before she shot at his leg, sending him down to the floor. I felt as if I was watching it in slow motion, completely shocked at the scene before me.

  His wife waved off his wailing. “Relax. It’s just a BB gun, you punk. Enough to get yo’ ass in line, but not enough to actually kill you.” She glanced my way. “Curious to see if light-skinned over here can handle a couple of shots. The ones who bruise easily are always betta to watch.” Her icy eyes pinned me with a look that chilled me to the bone. She was enjoying making me squirm, and a brief glance at Reggie proved that even through the pain, he was enjoying it, too. Looking from me to his wife, his dick clearly grew harder by the second.

  Oh, hell nah. I’d unwillingly participated in my fair share of sick, twisted jokes, so I wasn’t about to add to that list. “We didn’t even have sex. Y’all have some real problems that don’t involve me.”

  She pointed the BB gun in my direction. “The minute you stepped your high-yellow ass into my house, this became your problem.”

  At the sound of the first shot near my legs, I was flying down the fire escape steps, ducking and dodging every time I heard a shot hit the railing. I couldn’t even understand the words Reggie’s wife was yelling at me because I had tunnel vision and was on a mission to get to the third level.

  Once I did, I knocked seven times like Reggie instructed me to do, but no one answered. Leaning against the window, I looked up to see if Reggie’s wife had followed me down, and noticed that although she was still two floors up, she was still shooting shots my way.

  “Oh my God,” I said to myself, lifting my gaze to the sky. “Lord, if you get me through this, I promise I will be on my best behavior from here on out. No more lying at work.” Even though it’s necessary sometimes. “No more taking money out of the collection basket at church.” Although I was broke as hell that one day. “No more convincing the sales clerks at Target to honor my expired coupons.” I mean, come on. Target is overpriced as hell. “No more borrowing my cousin’s Link card to get groceries.” Scratch that last one. Nothing wrong with discounted groceries. “Bottom line, I’ll be a better, more improved Meeka if you get me out of this shit.”