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A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance) Page 9
A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance) Read online
Page 9
“That seems nice,” Daman stated. “I think you will make it to Chicago in plenty of time.”
“Yeah, that may be true, but I wanted to go straight home and go to sleep when I got back. We’ve been traveling a lot lately so I was hoping for a little R & R.” Imani loved being around her family, but they could be exhausting at times. Especially when she’d been MIA ever since she was on the radio. She wanted to avoid any Daman-related topics. She texted Cyd and asked how many people were planning to attend. Cyd responded within seconds.
“Oh, man,” Imani said aloud. “She said at least fifty people are planning to be there.”
“Fifty people,” Daman said in surprise. “I thought you said this was a lunch.”
“It is a lunch, but my grandfather is very well-known in Naperville so many people in the neighborhood tend to get invited. Even the last minute events like this one spread like wildfire.”
Imani’s cell phone vibrated. “Cyd said Taheim and Jaleen will both be there.”
Daman’s hearty laugh filled the car. “I was going to go to Detroit after we dropped you off, but I think I may want to check out that barbecue instead.”
Imani hadn’t seen most of her family since her appearance on The Jimmy King Morning Show. There was no doubt that they’d be the main topic of conversation.
“Of course, since I invited myself, I don’t have to go,” Daman said as he kept his eyes on the road while occasionally stealing glances her way.
“No, it’s fine,” Imani said. “I think you’ll enjoy yourself. But be forewarned, my family is a little overwhelming at times. I know they probably all listened to the show so you should expect a couple questions to be thrown your way.”
* * *
Four hours later, they arrived outside of the Burrstone household in Naperville, Illinois. Judging from the number of double-parked cars on the narrow street, a lot of people were already there.
As they were walking toward the house, Imani stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar laugh.
“Is everything okay?” Daman asked.
Imani couldn’t answer right away, not until she found the person who had laughed.
“And so the saga begins...” she said, as her suspicions were confirmed and Cyd rounded the corner of the house.
Daman followed the direction of Imani’s gaze. He squinted his eyes as he looked from the woman to Imani. “Is that your sister?”
“Yes, that’s her. And if I’m not mistaken, the rest of the clan isn’t far behind.”
Just as she finished those words, Lex and Mya headed in their direction.
Imani leaned over and whispered to Daman. “Be prepared, because they are definitely going to ask you a lot of questions.”
As the women approached, Imani introduced Daman to Cyd, Mya and Lex. Taheim and Jaleen arrived soon after. Then, the “welcome crew” got an earful from Imani. “Y’all have a lot of explaining to do. I can’t believe that at our age you’re still scheming.”
Imani didn’t appreciate the chuckles from the group.
Taheim jumped in before Imani could get started on them again. “Well, if the two of you didn’t work so hard, you would have noticed that we all know each other. Although I must say that I’m kind of glad you didn’t. The Jimmy King Morning Show was pretty interesting.”
Once again, everyone laughed at her expense. Imani felt Daman’s eyes on her, but she refused to look at him.
“One of you could have told me how well you knew Imani when I told you her name during our meeting,” Daman said to Taheim and Jaleen.
Taheim decided to answer again. “You two didn’t kill each other, so it seems the plan worked.”
Imani dared to look at Daman, as Daman glared at Taheim. Sensing Imani’s eyes on him, Daman turned toward her, with an unreadable expression on his face. But in an instant, it turned to one of clear understanding. She got it, too. They wanted us to get to know each other on a more personal level. His eyes dropped down to her lips. Her lips parted as if they had a mind of their own, inviting him for another sample. Jaleen cleared his throat. All eyes were on them as Imani and Daman turned back to the group.
Why do I let this man affect me? Imani couldn’t believe that even in front of their friends, they couldn’t deny the chemistry.
Cyd spoke up. “Imani, Grandpa Burrstone wants to discuss the barbecue with us. Can we steal you away from Daman for a moment?”
Cyd was trying to bait her, but Imani refused. The annual Burrstone barbecue was an event that her grandfather loved to throw every year. The Burrstones were a big pillar in the Chicago community so for the past few years, her grandfather recruited the assistance of his granddaughters, owners of Elite Events Incorporated.
Daman glanced at Imani, and she tried her best to keep a solemn face. “Yes, I can spare some time.”
“Great!” Cyd exclaimed with enthusiasm as she grabbed Imani’s arm. Mya and Lex followed.
“Okay, I get first dibs,” Cyd said to Lex and Mya as they sat in the parked car. She clasped her hands in her lap and looked at Imani, ready to open up the proverbial can of worms. “Sis, I think it was a great idea that we didn’t tell you Daman was Taheim and Jaleen’s new partner.”
Imani started to speak, but Cyd shushed her.
“Before you say anything, I’m also glad you and Daman were on The Jimmy King Morning Show together. As far as your and Daman’s private conversation being heard by many listeners, well, that’s your fault.”
“And Daman’s,” Mya added with a giggle.
“Tell me something, sis, was it good? Because I know you hit that.”
Imani’s mouth dropped open, and all the women laughed at the surprised look on her face.
“Come off that snotty attitude, girl,” Lex said. “We know you aren’t shocked. And you’re not shy, either. You like sex just as much as the rest of us. Now man up, and give us some details.”
“Hell, yeah,” Mya added. “Back in the day, you’d make us give you all the details on our boyfriends, dates...”
“...and mistakes,” Lex interrupted with a smile.
They nodded their heads in agreement.
“I know, but that was different.”
“How’s that?” Cyd asked.
Imani thought carefully before answering the question. “That was the old me, over five years ago. I’m older, wiser and not the romantic I used to be.”
Mya grunted. “You know what I think?”
“No, but you’re going to tell me, anyway.”
“I think that for once since Gamine’s death, you met a man you can’t ignore. You always dismiss men and keep your feelings guarded, but clearly Daman is breaking through those walls.”
“You’re one to talk, Mya! Neither of you can say anything about how I handle Daman because you’re all just as bad as I am. Plus, I have to keep the estate in mind at all times. I refuse to get played.”
“But this isn’t about us. This is about you,” Lex chimed in.
“And why are you so concerned about getting played when you claim you don’t even like him?” Cyd persisted.
Once again, Cyd was trying to bait her into opening up. She wondered how much she should tell them and decided that she could talk to her close friends about anything.
“Okay, so here’s the thing, Cyd. I did not hit that. Not even close.”
The sighs heard in the car proved they weren’t expecting that answer.
“Ugh, okay, I’m lying a little bit. I’ve never slept with Daman, but we have come close several times.”
“Now that’s more like it. Continue,” Cyd exclaimed.
“Well, each time we get close to having sex, he stops right before it happens. He says he can tell that I’m still trying to process what’s happening between us, and until I do, he’s not going to initiate anything else. The ball is in my court.”
“Do you find it hard to resist him?” Mya asked.
Imani did her best to give her a what-do-you-think look because as
her best friend, Mya knew the answer but wanted her to admit it, anyway.
“If I did think it was easy to resist him, would we be having this conversation? I’m only human, and he’s sexy as hell.”
Mya just smiled.
“Every time we get together, I feel like my old self. Even though we haven’t taken our relationship any further, the intimate moments we have had have been so special that it makes me question any intimacy I’ve had up to this point. It’s almost on a whole other level of lust.”
Imani thought about the time she’d shared with Daman. How he made her feel. How comfortable she felt with him. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she was unaware of the three sets of eyes watching her face with knowing expressions.
“Oh, you have definitely got it bad,” Lex said with a giggle.
“Am I that transparent?”
“Yes!” all three women practically shouted. They all burst out laughing.
Imani looked over at Cyd. “How about we go back to the house and stop talking about me.”
“Whatever you say, sis,” Cyd said, as she opened the car door. “But one last question. What are you going to do about your feelings for Daman?”
“I don’t know. Since the ball’s in my court, I figure now is a great time to try and work on controlling myself whenever I’m around him.”
The looks on their faces showed disbelief, but Imani didn’t care what they thought. She knew how to control her body, although that wasn’t exactly apparent when she was in the presence of Daman Barker.
As the women began making their way back to the house, Imani noticed Daman standing on the side of the house, talking with some people from the neighborhood. She stopped watching him long enough to respond to a question Lex had asked. When she turned back to Daman, he was staring right at her. The look in his eyes showed a hunger that only she could fill. She swallowed the lump in her throat and practically begged her eyes to look away.
Please stay in control. Body, don’t fail me now.
Cyd spoke, fueling the fire, while glancing from Daman to Imani.
“Well, sis, you may think you can keep your relationship strictly professional, but your eyes are saying something different. I’ve never seen you act this way around a man before.”
Imani used Cyd as an excuse to tear her eyes away from Daman. “I know. I have to do something about him.”
“Or do something to him! Come on, what’s wrong with you? You need to lighten up about Daman. Your control issues are really starting to bug me,” Cyd said with a laugh. “Some words of advice, big sis. Don’t overthink it, and don’t try to control how you feel or think you can control how he feels. When it comes to the heart, it’s unpredictable.”
“I feel you, Cyd, but Daman isn’t just any man.”
“You’re right. He’s the one man you haven’t tried to completely dismiss...the one who’s gotten under your skin.”
“Look who’s talking...queen of dismissing her loyal followers.”
“Why must you always make me sound stuck-up? I’m selective. There’s a difference. Most men can’t handle me, anyway.”
Both women giggled, knowing that with Cyd, even the men who did try, failed. Imani stared at her younger sister in admiration. Somewhere along the way, they had switched roles on giving advice.
“Since when do you counsel people on matters of the heart?”
“I don’t know. I just worry about you sometimes, and I like the changes I see in you since you started working with Daman. You seem to have a little of your old self back, and that makes me happy.”
And with that comment, Cyd made her way to the house. Taking one final glance toward Daman, Imani followed behind Cyd. She was less than thrilled about the next hour or so, and she knew that the parents and elders were going to make her the main topic of conversation.
* * *
Imani was right, Daman thought as he finished up a conversation with the fifteenth person who’d asked him about his relationship with Imani. He almost regretted his decision to come to the lunch. They shouldn’t even call it a lunch because it was more like a party.
But despite being under the eye of scrutiny, he had really enjoyed getting to know Imani’s parents. Mr. Rayne had a sarcastic sense of humor and joked about the way Daman was looking at Imani. Mrs. Rayne had a very warm personality and was full of compliments for both her daughters.
Throughout the entire night, Daman stole glances at Imani. What did she expect when she was constantly dipping her tongue out to moisten her lips? As it always seemed to go with them, she caught him staring each and every time. And every time, she only smiled, causing him to wonder what she was thinking.
Mostly everyone was in the house now, so he found an empty bench in the backyard. He should have been counting how many times he said we’re just friends today. And he’d heard Imani’s name being called the most out of everyone in attendance. Not because of him, but because they needed her for something. If some food ran out, they called her to see if they should order more. If some younger kids were acting too rowdy, they called Imani to calm them down. If someone wanted to know about specific details regarding the annual Burrstone barbecue, they asked Imani, even though there were three other members from Elite Events present.
“No wonder why the woman’s exhausted,” Daman said aloud to himself.
“I agree, my grandbaby works too hard,” Mr. Burrstone said as he approached Daman. “Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, sir,” Daman answered as he pondered how Mr. Burrstone knew he was talking about Imani. He’d been introduced to Imani’s grandfather earlier, but they hadn’t talked much.
“I keep telling Imani that she needs to slow down. Then I see how much the family relies on her, and I know it’s not possible.”
“Why isn’t it possible?” Daman asked. To him, it appeared to be an easy fix. Everyone needed to start relying on someone else other than Imani.
Mr. Burrstone glanced at Daman before responding. “You know, Imani’s a lot like her grandmother was at her age. And her mother. Vibrant. Full of life. Women like my wife, daughter and granddaughter take on the weight of their family in exchange for nothing at all. Feisty as all get out, but don’t let them fool you.” Mr. Burrstone laughed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You see, son, the reason I say it isn’t possible is because it’s in her blood. Imani was programmed that way. It may not be fair and she may not always be able to handle her responsibilities, whether they are her responsibilities or others’. But she will never stop caring or being so involved because she was meant to be just who she is.”
Mr. Burrstone’s views were very old school, yet they made sense to Daman. But he still didn’t think the responsibilities and burdens of a family should fall on one person.
“I still think there is a way she could balance everything without getting so exhausted.”
Mr. Burrstone laughed again. “I agree with you, Daman. And maybe one day, she’ll figure that out.”
With that said, Mr. Burrstone got up and walked away. As Daman stayed seated on that bench, thinking about what Mr. Burrstone had said, he wondered if there was a way he could help her figure out how to balance everything.
“Hey, man, where are you?” Jaleen asked as he waved his hand in front of Daman’s face. “You’re thinking about Imani, aren’t you?” Jaleen sat on the bench next to Daman.
“Yeah, man. I don’t know what it is about that woman that has me so twisted. Today, she was a different person than I’d seen before. I liked seeing her around her family.”
“I knew she would stay on your mind from the minute you first mentioned her name. So did Taheim.”
“Yeah, I know. She could be a real problem for me.”
“Yes, she could. Imani is the type you marry, not the type you bed, and a lot of us are pretty protective of her. She’s been through a lot over the years, and no one wants to see her get hurt. Get it?”
Daman hadn’t missed the tone in his friend�
��s voice. It was obvious he was looking out for her best interest. “Yeah, I get it, and that’s the main reason why I wouldn’t try anything with her.”
Jaleen gave him a look of disbelief, and Daman ’fessed up.
“Okay, so I have tried something, but what I mean is that I would never intentionally hurt her. Truthfully though, I want that estate, and the only thing standing in my way is Imani.”
“Why is that estate so important to you, anyway?”
“I promised my dad I would buy the estate when the Simses decided to sell. If it was important enough for him to ask me to do that, I want to make sure I follow his wishes. That’s all.”
Jaleen nodded his head in understanding, but Daman felt he had to go a little further with his explanation. “Man, Jay, trust me. I wish I weren’t competing against Imani. It’s hard to control myself around her sometimes. It’s cool when we’re talking business about the gala. And even then, I’m completely aware of everything about her. But it’s even worse when we’re alone. I purposely don’t get to know a lot about any female I mess with, but from the first day I met Imani, I learned more about her than I wanted to. Now, after meeting her family, and Imani meeting my mom, I still want to learn more about her.”
Daman stopped talking when he felt Jaleen watching him closely. Jaleen knew a lot about Daman’s history with women, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he didn’t have a clue about how to handle Imani.
“D, we can’t always control who we fall for or why we fall for that person.”
“I’m not falling for her. I’m just a little curious...that’s all.”
Jaleen laughed, and Daman couldn’t help but laugh along.
“Whatever, man. All I’m saying is that you got some thinking to do. And now that you’ve met the Burrstones, you know you have to go to their annual barbecue—especially since Mrs. Rayne personally invited you.”
“Yeah, I know. And I don’t mind going to the barbecue. But as far as Imani’s concerned, I’ll just wait and see what happens. You know me, man. I’m not putting that much thought into my feelings.” He’d already told Jaleen way more than he’d planned on telling him.